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Pose Format


idStringID of the pose. Saved and used to locate the next pose in the list. (Datapack only)
powerInteger 0-15Redstone power level to use this pose.
display_nameTextName of the pose to show the player when they interact with the armor stand.
PosePose DataRotation values of the armor stand pose data.

Pose Data

Head[ pitch, roll, yaw ]Head rotation
Body[ pitch, roll, yaw ]Body rotation
LeftArm[ pitch, roll, yaw ]Left arm rotation
RightArm[ pitch, roll, yaw ]Right arm rotation
LeftLeg[ pitch, roll, yaw ]Left leg rotation
RightLeg[ pitch, roll, yaw ]Right leg rotation


  "power": 1,
  "display_name": { "translate": "pose.poses.default" },
  "Pose": {
    "Body": [0, 0, 0],
    "Head": [0, 0, 0],
    "LeftArm": [-10, 0, -10],
    "LeftLeg": [-1, 0, -1],
    "RightArm": [-15, 0, 10],
    "RightLeg": [1, 0, 1]
    id: "default",
    power: 1,
    display_name: '{"text": "Default"}',
    Pose: {
        Body: [0f, 0f, 0f],
        Head: [0f, 0f, 0f],
        LeftArm: [-10f, 0f, -10f],
        LeftLeg: [-1f, 0f, -1f],
        RightArm: [-15f,0f, 10f],
        RightLeg: [1f, 0f, 1f]

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