Event Conditions
Used to make an event run only when the condition is true. Makes your code a little bit more customizable. conditions are similar to predicates
conditions - (obj list) The root tag.
├ condition: (string) The condition's ID.
└ Other parts of the condition, specified below.
The possible values for `condition` and associated extra contents:
time_check - Checks the current time
├ value: (int) The time value in ticks.
└ value:
├ min: (int) The minimum value.
└ max: (int) The maximum value.
weather_check - Checks for a current weather state
├ raining: (boolean) If true, the condition evaluates to true only if it's raining.
└ thundering: (boolean) If true, the condition evaluates to true only if it's thundering.
match_tool - Checks tool.
└ predicate
├ item: (string) An item ID.
├ count: (int) Amount of the item.
├ count:
| ├ min: (int) The minimum value.
| └ max: (int) The maximum value.
└ nbt: (string) An NBT string.
entity_properties - Test properties of an entity.
├ entity: (string) Specifies the entity to check for the condition. Default: `this`
└ predicate
├ type: (string) An entity ID.
├ flags: Predicate Flags to be checked.
| ├ is_on_fire: Test whether the entity is or is not on fire.
| ├ is_sleeping: Test whether the entity is or is not sleeping.
| ├ is_jumping: Test whether the entity is or is not jumping.
| ├ is_flying: Test whether the entity is or is not flying.
| ├ is_falling: Test whether the entity is or is not falling.
| ├ is_walking: Test whether the entity is or is not walking.
| ├ is_sneaking Test whether the entity is or is not sneaking.
| ├ is_sprinting: Test whether the entity is or is not sprinting.
| ├ is_swimming: Test whether the entity is or is not swimming.
| ├ is_climbing: Test whether the entity is or is not climbing.
| ├ is_in_water: Test whether the entity is or is not in water.
| ├ is_in_lava: Test whether the entity is or is not in lava.
| ├ is_in_cave: Test whether the entity is or is not in cave.
| ├ is_in_void: Test whether the entity is or is not in void.
| ├ is_on_ground: Test whether the entity is or is not on ground.
| └ is_holding_item: Test whether the entity is or is not holding an item.
└ player: Player properties to be checked. Fails when entity is not a player.
└ gamemode: (string) The game mode of the player. Must be survival, adventure, creative or spectator.
conditions: [
condition: "minecraft:time_check",
value: 6000
condition: "minecraft:weather_check",
raining: false,
thundering: false
condition: "minecraft:entity_properties",
entity: "this",
predicate: {
type: "player",
flags: {
is_on_fire: false,
is_sleeping: false,
is_jumping: false,
is_flying: false,
is_falling: false,
is_walking: false,
is_sneaking: false,
is_sprinting: false,
is_swimming: false,
is_climbing: false,
is_in_water: false,
is_in_lava: false,
is_in_cave: false,
is_in_void: false,
is_on_ground: false,
is_holding_item: false
player: {
gamemode: "adventure"
condition: "minecraft:match_tool",
predicate: {
item: "minecraft:stone_pickaxe",
count: 1,
nbt: "{...}"
event: {...}