Custom durability for this item. Note that 'display' and 'custom_display' are a bit buggy aka doesn't properly display percentage.
durability - The root tag.
├ max_durability: (int) The max amount of damage the item has.
├ display: How to display the damage, leave blank to not show. Valid Strings: "actionbarText", "actionbarBar", "actionbarPercent","title"
| ├ type: (enum) The type of display to use. Valid Strings: "bossbar", "custom", "customDurability", "actionbarBar"
| ├ value: (RAW JSON) type=custom This is the exact text to use for the actionbar. type=customDurability This is the text to apply after the current and max amounts. type=bossbar, name=custom This is the exact text to use for the bossbar.type=bossbar, name=customDurability This is the text to apply after the current and max amounts.
| ├ color: (enum) type=bossbar This the color of the boss bar. Excepted values; default, blue, green, pink, purple, red, white, yellow
| ├ name: (enum) type=bossbar This the name of the boss bar. Excepted values; none, default, customisability, durability, percent, custom
| └ color_theme: (enum) type=actionbarBar This the the color of the `actionbarBar`. Preset themes; aqua, blue, gray, green, purple, red, yellow, white
Custom Colored Themes; orange, brown, cyan, pink
| └ color_theme:
| ├ progress: (enum) The color of the progress bar. excepts all chat colors.
| └ background: (enum) The color of the background. excepts all chat colors.
└ custom_display: add a custom display for durability.
├ location: (enum) Where to display the text. Valid Strings: "actionbar"
└ values: (RAW JSON array) An array of Raw JSON formatted text to show at that value in 10% increments. [0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 100%]
Simple example
durability: {
max_durability: 500,
display: "actionbarBar"
Advanced example
durabilty: {
max_durability: 500,
display: {
type: "actionbarBar",
color_theme: "orange"
custom_display: {
location: "actionbar",
values: [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100]